10 of the Most Brutal Horror Movie Deaths That Are Burned Into Your Brain Forever
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10 of the Most Brutal Horror Movie Deaths That Are Burned Into Your Brain Forever

Jun 11, 2023

From Scream to Alien, we're taking a look at some of the most brutal deaths in the horror genre.

When sitting down for a horror movie, you have to go into it expecting a few things. A few classic tropes that everyone knows and either hates or loves jump scares, virgin sacrifices, ill-timed humor, and, of course, a very intense death scene that sticks with you long after the film is done Maybe it sticks with you for longer than a few hours, making your stomach twist at the thought of a gruesome killing or torture scene. Body horror is not everyone's cup of tea, but it's definitely impactful for the film world as well as audiences. Let's take a look at 10 of the most brutal deaths in horror movies. Spoilers ahead!

Starting with something not so terrible, Quint from Jaws had a sad but gruesome death all the same. From the very beginning of the movie, the audience puts their trust in Quint because he seems to be the most well-equipped. He's a seasoned sailor and an avid shark hunter, and he genuinely looks like he could fist-fight sharks for a living.

Sadly, Quint is mortal just like everyone else, as he's the last victim of this famous man eating shark. Quint gets tangled up in his own harpoon ropes after desperately trying to take down the beast. It's a great cinematic moment as Quint starts to cough up blood as the shark chews him up.

Ethan Landry was one of the newest additions to the Scream franchise, and he proved to be a rather boring Ghostface. He, his sister Quinn, and their father, Wayne Bailey, are all out for revenge against the Carpenter sisters. Ethan presents himself as the nerdy, lonely virgin that couldn't possibly be capable of such heinous acts.

His death is a balance of satisfying and gruesome, as Tara stabs him in the mouth with his own knife. The sound of the blade twisting is horrible and shudder-inducing. Miraculously, he's alive and makes a charge at the two sisters, but before he can reach them, Kirby intercepts and throws a TV on his head, instantly killing him in the same fashion as Stu Macher.

Related: 12 of the Most Brutal Scenes in Slasher Horror Movies

It's always tough to see a child become targeted in a movie, especially horror, since it's usually brutal. Take what happened to Billy in The Mist, losing his life because his dad killed him when he could have lived. Georgie Denbrough was targeted by Pennywise the Clown and lured in by the seemingly nice and colorful alien.

You’re about 10 minutes into the film when you watch in horror as poor Georgie's arm is bitten off by Pennywise before his little body is dragged into the sewers. All that's left in his wake is a puddle of blood that quickly gets washed away by the rain.

If there's one thing about the Saw movies that remains consistent, it's that they're essentially torture porn. Brutality is shown in all sorts of different messed-up ways to make you squeamish and question why you popped this movie in. In Saw III, one of the worst torturous deaths happens to Timothy Young as he's ripped apart by a trap dubbed "The Rack".

First, Timothy's right arm gets twisted until it's broken, then his right leg, and finally his neck. It's a terribly slow and hard watch as Timothy begs for his life, but to no avail.

Hellraiser isn't an easy watch when it comes to body horror, and if you’re easily grossed out by flesh-ripping, definitely skip this flick. Frank Cotton is our main character in the original Hellraiser with Pinhead, and he's an all-around not-so-great guy.

Even the cenobites, who are considered to be demons that work alongside Pinhead, think that Frank is rather unsavory. They take pleasure in hooking up Frank on chains and ripping him apart before dragging him to hell for a lifetime of torture.

Related: 20 Brutal Death Scenes From Non-Horror Movies

The Final Destination movies have a certain reputation for taking everyday situations and making them absolutely terrifying. In all installments of the movie, there's a scene that sticks with the audience and makes them think twice about their next activity. Such as LASIK surgery and a major malfunction that happens to Olivia in the fifth installment.

Olivia's not expecting anything bad to happen as she starts the procedure, but then, of course, she's left alone, and the machine goes haywire. Her eye and hand get badly burned, and as she tries to escape, she ends up falling through the window. Olivia falls several stories before crash-landing onto a car, where she's instantly killed. To top it all off, her burned eye pops out of her head and gets crushed by a passing car.

Cameron's dearth in Halloween Kills is so brutal and prolonged that it might even seem rough for Michael Myers. It's a tense night, and Michael is on a full-fledged killing spree after being locked up. It doesn't take long before Michael kills Cameron's dad, and the young guy immediately wants to avenge him. Cameron gets brutally stabbed by Michael before he literally throws him into the staircase, spearing his body. His throat is speared in one of the rails, and Michael assumes he's dead as he starts to go after Allison.

This is where the audience shares a collective gasp and shouts, "Don't move!" as Cameron starts to wiggle around, alerting Michael that he's still alive. The beloved slasher marches back up the stairs and finishes the job by snapping Cameron's neck through the rails.

Casey Becker's death in Scream opened up the doors for what the successful franchise has developed into today. It sets the mood so well, with Casey picking up the phone and casually having a conversation with a stranger before it turns sinister. Casey Becker is chased by who we assume is Billy Loomis, leading him all over the house until she's finally cornered outside.

It's brutal, as he cuts her up and guts her before stringing her body up in a tree for her parents to find. Drew Barrymore recently stated that anything is possible with her character coming back to the franchise, but it’d be interesting to see how her character could possibly be alive after the brutal attack.

One of the most iconic scenes from a horror movie is when Kane's chest is ripped open by the chestburster shooting through it in Alien. Everyone has gathered around, having a nice meal, when suddenly Kane begins to choke.

A nice and calm moment suddenly becomes intense as Kane starts to seize and collapse on the table, his brew holding him down and trying to restrain him. It's the moment of anticipation that gets the audience; you’re waiting for something terrible to happen. When the chestburster makes its appearance, it's so sick and startling. It instantly kills Kane and leaves his body as it makes its escape from the room.

The Wicker Man is considered to have had one of the most iconic deaths in horror history, and while that can be argued, it's still a memorable one. Some people make a connection between Midsommar and The Wicker Man because of the cults and human sacrifice.

It's one of those movies where an actor wasn't aware of how their death was going to be handled, and in this case, it's Edward Woodward who plays Neil Howie. Howie, at the end of the movie, is forced into the Wicker Man and promptly burned alive. It's a jarring moment as Howie recites Psalm 23 and prays to God while dying from the fire.

Book fanatic, movie lover and can remember any side character even if they had fifteen seconds of screentime.

horror movie Spoilers ahead! MOVIEWEB VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT Jaws Saw III Hellraiser Final Destination Halloween Kills Scream Alien The Wicker Man